5 Tips to Create a Difference In Your Finances

5 Tips to Create a Difference In Your Finances

Worrying about your financial future could cause you to be stressed. You may have some debt that needs to be paid off, living paycheck to paycheck or continuously borrowing money. If you want to change your bad financial habits, here’s where you’ll start.

Sky Legacy Financial Services wants you to know that no matter what type of work you do, it’s possible to take action now. Sky Legacy Financial Services will happily give you the tips to start. Our goal is to help you gain the gift of financial stability. That’s why we would like to share these five tips to help improve your financial status.


Try these tips to ensure your financial outlook is bright


1. Work on building or improving your credit


Credit affects so many aspects of your life. Credit could affect where you reside, how much of a loan you’re eligible forand sometimes your job eligibility. Good credit opens doors to many opportunities in your favor.
A great and common way to start building credit is to sign up for a credit card. Spending small amounts on your credit card and immediately paying it back is a great way to up your score and improve your credit history. Having good credit could make your financial life a lot easier. You could get accepted by any finance company even get a higher spending limit with your credit card company.

When you pay your credit card on time, the company will eventually trust you with more money. You can use the money for whatever you choose as long as you repay it. You will never run out of money this way.

There are many ins and outs to credit, and to get the best advice; we suggest you reach out to a credit professional for the best credit improvement tips.

2. Invest in a whole life insurance policy.


If you purchase a whole life insurance policy through Sky Legacy Financial Services, you could use your accumulating funds as a financial barrier for you and your family. Whole life insurance policies have cash value (tax-free) and could be withdrawn whenever you need additional funds as long as the monthly premium is paid. Finances

Whole life insurance is ongoing and will never expire. This ensures that you are saving your money and that your family is secured if anything happens to you.


3. Pay all your bills on time. 


Paying your bills on time each month can contribute to your credit history and payment history. It also could leave you with less stress and more money in your pockets. Paying bills late could result in late fees and could cause you to lose track of your spending. On-time payments are sure to keep you in control of your funds for a strong financial relationship with your wallet.


4. Consult with us at Sky Legacy Financial Services 


If you haven’t already, Consulting with one of our financial experts will help lead you to secure your family’s funds for generations! We can give financial advice and set you up with a financial plan that’ll be beneficial to you and change your life. Click here to schedule a consultation and make a call that will change you and your family’s future.



5. Create a budget and stick to it


A budget will show you exactly where your money is going. Depending on when you get paid, you may choose a weekly, fortnightly, or monthly budget. You need to get a budget no matter how much money you produce in a year.

Creating a budget could help you achieve your financial goals and help keep extra money for emergencies or buy things like a house. Becoming financially stable is the ultimate goal but, being economically stable with extra cash on the side could give you room for other pleasurable expenses.

Put the above tips to work, and you should see a difference not only in your bank account but your stress levels as well.

Term Vs Whole Life insurance

Term Vs Whole Life insurance

There’s coming a time in your life when you’re gonna think to yourself, what’s the future looking like for my family? What’s going to happen when I’m no longer here? What can I do to create generational wealth within my family? That thing is life insurance.

There are two different life insurance policies that will benefit you and your family. Getting life insurance will set the foundation for generational wealth. We’re talking about Term versus Whole life insurance. What’s the difference? Well, you will find out in this blog.

Source: What is Term life insurance?

Let’s start by defining what the word “Term” means. If you assumed the expression meant the policy is only in effect for a limited time, you’re accurate. Term life insurance is less expensive and easier to understand than whole life insurance. When a policyholder passes, the policyholder’s family is entitled to a predetermined sum of money.

This money will be sufficient to meet burial expenditures and provide assistance to your family with critical matters such as bills, education, tuition, and so on. This strategy is advantageous, but it is not without flaws. The policy’s cost will increase; it’s temporary, and renewing it is costly.


Whole life insurance


What is Whole life insurance?          

Whole life insurance is more costly than term life insurance a month. Why is it more expensive? Most certainly, because of the advantages! Whole life insurance has a cash value which allows the policyholder to pay for the policy while saving money. Not only are you saving money while paying for a life insurance policy, but you are also able to borrow or withdraw that money.   The policyholder owns every dime.

This money could be utilized for a variety of activities, including automobile purchases, family emergency funds, retirement, and whatever else comes to mind. Customers that are more attracted to the idea of saving money long-term will likely be interested in this policy.

Whole life, indexed universal life, and universal life is the three types of whole life insurance plans. Each of these policies has a monetary worth. Money is accumulated in both whole life and universal insurance in the same way: by paying a monthly payment. On the other hand, indexed universal life is linked to the S&P 500, or stock market.

Whole life insurance offers a fixed monthly payment rate and ensures coverage. Not to mention the fact that it is permanent, allowing the policyholder to go about their daily lives without worrying about the insurance being renewed. Knowing that their family is protected could take a load off the policyholder’s shoulders.

Which is the more popular Term or Whole life?

Whole life insurance is the most popular policy, based on our expertise. Many customers adore the concept of putting money aside to pay off bills or invest in things that would benefit their entire family. This isn’t to say that term life insurance is a bad idea.

Both insurance policies are able to generate generational wealth while alleviating the burden on the policyholder’s family. Sky Legacy Financial provides four distinct policies, each not suitable for everyone. That’s why it’s crucial to choose the right insurance for you. Your family would be financially secure in either case.

Learn more

Click the link below to schedule a free consultation to learn more!

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Think Wealth, Become Wealth!

Think Wealth, Become Wealth!

Here at Sky Legacy Financial Services, we are firm believers in success, wealth, and abundance. These 3 factors are how we became the most successful and driven individuals. With these characteristics, we’re able to conquer our goals and provide generational wealth for our families. 

If you are ready to end financial shortcomings within your family, you are on the right website. Here at Sky Legacy Financial Services, we care about helping you and your family achieve your financial goals. We also care about the mental development of our clients. 

Sky Legacy Financial Services is not just a financial service business, but it is a movement! It all starts with a mindset!  Here are a few tips on how to not only be wealthy but have a wealthy mindset! 


Manifesting Wealth and Abundance 


Manifesting wealth and abundance begins from within. You must appreciate what you have in your life already – your family, friends, and job – instead of focusing on what you wish you had.

Often people waste precious time thinking about what they do not have. They start to believe their lives will improve if only they had more money, more friends, or more gadgets. They think about what is lacking instead of the abundance that is already overflowing into their life.

Are you too stressed to think clearly? - Ginsana


Positive Thinking Brings Abundance 


If you appreciate what you have, you will be inspired to take the necessary actions to bring more of what you want into your life. From a practical point of view, this all starts with living happily with what you have.

Now at first, this may sound rather counterproductive, but living happily with what you have doesn’t mean you’re completely satisfied and fulfilled. It simply means that you appreciate all the good parts of your life, and you recognize that you can take those things you have, even if they are few, and build upon them.

Very often we take our lives for granted and forget to give thanks for all that is good. If you are having a tough time recognizing the goodness in your life, then make a gratitude list and continue adding to it every day. For example:

  • Be thankful when paying the rent because this means you have a place to sleep.
  • Be thankful for your winter coat because you will stay warm this winter.
  • Be thankful for your family because of their love, support, and guidance.
  • Be thankful for your job because it has allowed you to provide for your family.

If you can be happy with what you have now, you will have a deeper appreciation for the better circumstances that are coming to you in your future.

Just imagine how much more you will appreciate your eventual move to a large home with a spacious property if you begin to enjoy your current humble place.


Keeping Up with the Neighbors 


Remember, the term “wealth” does not only relate to money. You can be wealthy by having a loving family who visits often or friends who care for you like one of their own.

There is much more to life than who has the latest designer purse or fanciest sports car in the neighborhood.

If you constantly compare yourself to your neighbor, based solely on material possessions, you may not fully understand what your neighbor’s life is like. He may appear wealthy with his BMW, but he is suffering in his personal life.

Be incredibly careful making judgments about others because you never truly know what is going on behind closed doors. Material possessions alone do not make an abundant life.


How can family wealth be protected?


First Steps Toward Wealth 


Once you have the mindset down-packed you will be able to defeat poverty, establish a financial plan and create not only mental wealth but also financial wealth. We could help start your road to debt release, future planning, life insurance, and more. Schedule a consultation today so we could discuss your options and get you on the right path for you and your family. This is the start of a momentous change within your family, and you cannot get to your destination of wealth without putting 1 foot forward. Click “I’m ready for wealth” To schedule your free consultation and start your debt-free journey! 

Pass Your Life Insurance Medical Exam Last Minute!

Pass Your Life Insurance Medical Exam Last Minute!

Have you ever put forth a lot of effort to prepare for an exam? Even if you haven’t been paying attention throughout the semester, cramming at the last minute can be beneficial. You can use the same strategy when taking your life insurance exam. While being healthy is preferable, there are things you can do right now to boost your medical exam results.

If you’re considering investing in life insurance, you usually have two choices. You can either purchase a policy that does not require a medical exam or one that does. If your exam goes well, the second choice is substantially less expensive. It is worthwhile to make initiatives to strengthen your results.

Life insurance exam


Pass your Life insurance exam and get your best rate with these strategies:


Avoid drinking alcohol for at least 48 hours before the appointment. While alcohol feels relaxing, it also tends to increase blood pressure. Blood pressure that is a little high can increase your rate by 20%. If it’s too high, you can be out of luck altogether.

Avoid caffeine for 48 hours. Like alcohol, caffeine can raise blood pressure. It can also increase your heart rate and temporarily create an irregular heartbeat. Remember that it’s not just coffee that contains caffeine. Tea, soft drinks, pain relievers, and cold medications can also have caffeine. Even a tiny amount can have a significant effect on some people.

Drop excess weight. This tactic requires more time than the previous two, but it’s essential. Obesity is a risk factor for many common causes of death. Just a few pounds can potentially move you into the next rate category. Lose some weight and save a lot of money.

Stop smoking. Interestingly, if you’ve smoked for the last 30 years but have stopped for the previous few months, you’re considered a non-smoker. This is perhaps the most important tip. Smoking can increase your premium significantly. Eliminating your smoking habit can cut your premium by two-thirds. If you continue to smoke, avoid smoking for at least an hour before the exam Not smoking will improve your blood pressure and pulse.

Avoid the gym for 24 hours. Over-training can result in unusual blood pressure, pulse, and blood values. Any exercise shortly before your appointment can also have negative effects. Avoid working out for 24 hours and give yourself a longer break if you’ve really been pushing yourself hard at the gym.

Eat-in a very healthy manner for at least a couple of meals leading up to the appointment. Even one meal of fatty meat can raise lipid and cholesterol levels for a short period. Ideally, eat well for at least three weeks before your exam. According to research, any diet will show maximal blood results after three weeks. Eat a light lunch or drink plenty of water 12-18 hours before the exam to avoid gaining weight. If the exam is in the morning, a light dinner with two glasses of water is recommended.

Rest and relax. A good night’s sleep will lower your pulse and blood pressure. Give yourself plenty of time to arrive at your appointment. Being late is likely to increase your level of anxiety. Hypertension, or high blood pressure, is a significant sign of internal health issues.

If your blood pressure is high, ask to have it rechecked toward the end of the appointment. It will likely have improved. Scheduling your appointment earlier in the day is also good because it allows you to get your appointment out the way without dealing with anything that’ll cause stress and hypertension throughout the day.

Most of these tips only require a day or two to put into action. A few require more time but are likely to have a profound effect on the cost of your life insurance premiums. Use these strategies for your life insurance medical exam and lower your rates. You can also enjoy a genuine boost in your health.

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